每日靈糧--賽的福音 (2012/02/11-02/20)

轉載自Edward Chao「每日靈糧--賽的福音」信件,英文原稿出處請見http://media.radiosai.org/www/



To worship God as immanent in every atom or cell in the body is the highest form of worship. - Baba

Develop love for all. Do not think that a person is superior or more devoted than the rest. Do not look down upon anyone as a disturbance and nuisance. If you have love for God, you will love all, for God is in every one. You sing bhajans (devotional songs) which say “God is all, God is in everyone” (Antha Sai Mayam). If that is true, how can you have love for God alone? You have pictures of God in your home or in the temple. If anyone speaks ill of any of them, do you like it? You don’t! So too, when you treat anyone harshly or speak rudely to anyone, you are treating Me harshly. When you are insulting anyone, you are insulting Me. I desire that you should conduct yourselves in a loving, harmonious and peaceful manner at all times! Serve everyone gladly, as you would serve Me.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 24, 1965.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴   




Do all work as God’s work! Remember, it is He who inspires, helps, executes, enjoys, and pleases Himself! - Baba        

Life is a tree of delusion, with all its branches, leaves and flowers of maya. You can realize this, when all your acts are dedicated offerings to God. See Him as the sap that runs through every cell; the Sun that is warming and building each atom. See Him in all and worship Him through all, for He is all. Engage in activity, filling it with devotion. It is devotion that sanctifies. A piece of paper is almost a trash, but if the contents of a certificate are written on it, you value and treasure it; it becomes a passport for promotion in life. Hence it is the bhaava (feelings behind an act) that matters, and not baahya (outward pomp and show). Without knowing this secret of transforming every action into an act of worship, people suffer from disappointment and grief. In sacred places of worship, stones of little value are shaped as Divine forms or idols. But when the feeling of devotion transmutes the idol, it become the highest treasure for the human mind.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1966.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Toil to earn the grace of God. It is like insurance and will help you in your time of need without any limit. - Baba

The Lord, like a lump of sugar, is sweetness all over. All differences and distinctions are the illusions of people with body consciousness. Consider this example: A mother having four children does not give the other three as much attention and care as she gives to the child in the cradle. Even if the child does not call out for it, she is ever vigilant to give it food. The other three come and ask her for food and things to play with. Observing this, you cannot pronounce her a bad mother or a partial mother. The mother adjusts her activities to the capacity and ability of the child. So too, though the entire world is His, though all are His children, He graces and blesses each one according to one’s capacity and ability.

- Geetha Vahini, Ch 9.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




People speak about several afflictions. In fact, the only two afflictions to be cured are - ahamkara and mamakara (egoism and possessiveness). - Baba

If there is a boil on the body, we apply some ointment and cover it with a bandage until it heals. If you do not do this, it is likely to become septic and cause great harm later on. Now and then one has to clean it with pure water, apply the ointment again and put on a new bandage. In the same way in our life, there is this particular boil which has come up in our body, in the form of 'I', (ahamkara and mamakara). If you want to really cure this boil of 'I', you will have to wash it every day with the waters of love, apply the ointment of faith and tie the bandage of humility around it. This will cure the disease that has erupted with this boil of 'I’.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 17, 1985.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Pursue nobler goals in life; sensory pleasures are trinkets, trivialities. - Baba

In the Geetha Lord Krishna says, “Arjuna! People give up revering and seeking Me, their very own Self. How foolish of them! They are not anxious to reach Me; but pursue lesser attainments that are untrue and transitory. The reason for this strange behaviour is the desire for quick results. People seek only that which is available here and now; that which is in a concrete form and is capable of being grasped by their senses; they are carried away by the attraction of flimsy pleasures, away from the full joy derivable from transcending the senses. The achievement of Jnana (wisdom) is the true inner victory; it is won after long and arduous struggle.  People also do not generally have the needed patience. They attach greater importance to the gross body, (sthula sarira). The body can be happy only with objects that cater to the senses.  So men do not seek Jnana, which will send them to paths where the senses are unwanted.  They yearn for Karma Siddhi (Fulfilment of worldly ambitions), not Jnana Siddhi.  The few who are spiritually minded yearn for the imperceptible, invisible Bliss of merging with the Universal Absolute.  Theirs is the correct path.

- Geetha Vahini, Ch 8





~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Love sees everyone as part of one Divine Family. - Baba

There are no permanent mothers in the world, the only permanent mother is the Divine Mother. You must always remind yourself that you are part of a spiritual family. Truth is your father, Love is your mother, Wisdom is your son, Peace is your daughter, Devotion is your brother, and Yogis are your friends. These are your true relatives who will always accompany you and be with you. When you have this kind of relationship, when you treasure such friendship, you will be able to break the bonds of the world and be free. Think of Divinity every minute of your life. Light has value only when there is darkness; it has no value by itself. In times of trouble and sorrow, whenever problems arise, evoke the principle of Divinity. It will certainly shed illumination and light in moments of darkness and bring joy to you.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 17, 1985.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Humility can be built only on a foundation of charity and detachment. - Baba

The Atma (Soul) is inherently devoid of attachment. It has no awareness of its own needs or nature of its possessions. It has no 'I' or 'mine' for these are the marks of ajnana (Illusion). Only those afflicted with ajnana will suffer from the ego or the sense of 'mine'. Though it may appear to ordinary eyes that ‘I am the doer’, the truth is ‘I am a non-doer’! Not only this, the effect of action (karma) does not cease as soon as it is finished. Karma yields fruits; the results of Karma breed desire for them; and that in turn results in impulses for further Karma. These impulses bring about further births. Thus Karma can lead to the cycle of births and deaths; it is a vicious whirlpool, making you revolve round and round, and finally dragging you down into the depths. So do not put your faith on this world and the objects of the world. Cultivate and practice detachment!

- Geetha Vahini, Ch 9.





~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Our good conduct is our true wealth. - Baba

The most important reason for bondage is giving too much freedom to the mind. When an animal is tethered to a post, it will not be able to go elsewhere. It cannot show anger or violence or do harm to any person. But if it is let loose, it can roam around, destroy crops and cause loss and harm to others. In the process it may get beaten for the mischief done. Similarly, the mind must be bound by certain regulations and limits. As long as man lives within certain rules and disciplines, he will be able to maintain a good name and lead a happy and useful life. Once he crosses these limits he will go astray.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 17, 1985.





~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




To secure the grace of God one must adhere to right conduct and observe purity in thought, word and deed. - Baba

Shivarathri is the day when one tries to establish friendship between the mind and God. Shivarathri makes one aware of the fact that the same Divinity is all-pervasive and is to be found everywhere. It is said that Shiva lives in Kailasa. But where is it? Kailasa means joy and bliss. It means that God lives in our minds, that are filled with joy and delight. How can one get this joy? It comes when we develop purity, steadfastness and sacredness. The heart then is filled with peace and bliss and becomes the temple of God. There is no use in just thinking of God on Shivarathri, once a year. Every day, every night, every minute, you should think of Divinity and sanctify your time. You yourself are truly Shiva, the Divine. Try to understand and recognize this principle of Shiva Tatva (Divine essence) which is indeed your own reality.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 17, 1985.





~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




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