每日靈糧--賽的福音 (2012/01/11-01/20)
轉載自Edward Chao「每日靈糧--賽的福音」信件,英文原稿出處請見http://media.radiosai.org/www/
The spirit of unity with which the participants play eschewing feelings of envy and hatred lends beauty to sports and games. - Baba
Although the food and habits may be different among nations, the spirit of harmony and unity displayed in sports is a gratifying example to all. It is a distinctive quality of sports that differences are forgotten and persons engage themselves in games in a divine spirit of friendliness and camaraderie. Sports help the players not only to improve their health but also to experience joy. However, one should not be content with realising these benefits alone. Mankind has another body besides the physical. It is the subtle body, otherwise known as the mind. It is equally essential to promote purity of the mind and develop large heartedness. True humanness blossoms only when the body, the mind and the spirit are developed harmoniously. The enthusiasm and effort which you display in sports should also be manifested in the spheres of morality and spirituality.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1990.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
The whole world is like a book, read it well. Nature is the best teacher.- Baba
The whole world is intimately associated with the Sun God. He is the visible manifestation of the Lord. In India, Sun God (Surya) is considered highly sacred and granted the unique status of a great Guru. Sun is also the source of time. Surya is the father of Time (Kala) as the Sastras declare.The Sun limits and regulates the number of years each one lives. The Sun diminishes every day a fraction of the allotted span. So the Sun is the supreme arbiter, the maker of man’s destiny. He performs His duty without thought of reward, and is humble and steady. Imagine the patience with which the Sun puts up with all that extreme heat, and gives sufficient warmth to the human body, every single day. Human beings are so full of activity and intelligence on account of the solar energy that is imbibed. If the Sun is idle even for a moment, the whole world will go cold and dark.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 6.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
The love of God will dispel ignorance and conceit of man as the Sun dispels the morning mist. - Baba
The more riches you accumulate the more bound you become and get into more worry, anxiety and fear. There can be no peace of mind for a person burdened by riches. People ignorantly seek this restlessness (ashaanthi) as they do not know where to acquire true peace (Shanthi). An educated person must have the virtue of Shanthi as the first qualification. This implies, not being affected by praise or blame, failure or success. It is the ego that makes one feel glad or sad. Therefore control the ego by extending love to every living being. Ego is lovelessness. A person afflicted with ego cannot rejoice when others are happy, and feel pained when others are miserable. Only a selfless and egoless person can share the happiness of others and take positive steps to alleviate others’ misery. God will ever be on the side of selfless persons and there is nothing that they cannot achieve.
- Divine Discourse, 15 Jan 1979.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
The secret of happiness lies within you, not outside. - Baba
Think about this: when you are well, no one inquires about your health. But if you are struck with illness or sorrow, you are bombarded with anxious queries. Why this anxiety? Because man’s fundamental nature is to be happy and healthy. Your nature is joy. So when you are happy and healthy, no one is surprised or worried. Grief and sorrow are unnatural, and are the result of a delusion that has overwhelmed one’s nature.
Imagine the patience with which the Sun puts up with all that extreme heat, and gives sufficient warmth to the human body, every single day. Human beings are so full of activity and intelligence on account of the solar energy that is imbibed. If the Sun is idle even for a moment, the whole world will go cold and dark. Instead, He is fostering the world. He feels it as His Mission, His Purpose, and not as His Service.
Likewise, it is only in the karma that is your very nature that you can have fortitude. If you do a task as an assumed duty, you will find it difficult to put up with the troubles and travails that may come along with it. Assumed karma is called Asahaja Karma and karma that is the expression of one’s genuine self is Sahaja Karma. Now, Sahaja Karma will sit light and Asahaja Karma will always be a burden. Asahaja Karma will induce conceit, or the feeling“I am the doer”; so it will result in exhaustion or elation, disgust or pride.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 6.
同樣道理,只有當那項行動是你的本性時,你才會堅忍不拔。如果你把一件事當做該負的職責,你會覺得很難忍受各種麻煩和辛勞。該負的職責稱為Asahaja 行動(譯註︰Asahaja = Non Sahaja = 非Sahaja),而那種出自天性表現的行動,稱為Sahaja行動。Sahaja行動輕鬆愉快,Asahaja 行動永遠是一項負擔。Asahaja 行動會引發自負,會引發「做作者(行動者)是我」的心態,所以會導致不是筋疲力竭,就是洋洋得意,不是厭煩,就是驕傲。
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
The realization of God is the goal and destiny of human life. - Baba
Consider the service the Sun (Surya) does to this world! This is within the daily experience of all. The Sun is the source of all life forms on this planet. Without His rays, the earth will be a desolate waste. He draws up into the sky the waters of seas and lakes, and from the clouds showers rain on the crops. He is the Dharmadevatha (God of righteousness), scattering His rays equally on all. The service He does and the happiness He contributes is something no one else can. Yet, without any pride, He moves about unattached to the consequences of His energising mission of service. The Sun is thus teaching us that when one is oneself, there will be no exhaustion or elation, disgust or pride. That is, the task of Surya is not something imposed from outside and taken up under compulsio n. That is why it is performed systematically, and smoothly.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 6.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Know that the purpose of human birth is to reach the Lord through worship. - Baba
Human birth is granted to a living being as the crown of one’s achievement during many lives. Know that this life is very unsteady; death is always stalking and nobody knows when it will snatch one away. Do not delay in choosing the right goal of life and deciding on the best means of achieving it. Turn away from the outer world and its attractions, to the inner realm of consciousness. This inward journey will be rewarded well with the precious treasure of ecstasy. The sea scatters on the shore only shells and foam. But if one dares to dive into the depths they will be rewarded with coral and pearls. This should be your real mission. If you miss this, you live and die as an animal that has no knowledge of its inner springs of joy. If you discover the inner spring of joy, you will be Aatmaa Raama - happy, content, peaceful and loving.< /p>
- Divine Discourse, Jan 15, 1979.
投胎為人,是一位眾生因為生生世世的成就,而得到的加冕。要知道這段生命很不穩定,死神在偷偷靠近,誰知道它何時將人攫走。選擇生命的正確目標,並決定達到目標的最佳方法,不要再拖。遠離外在世界及其誘惑,轉向內心世界,這趟內在之旅將會得到珍貴寶藏──狂喜──為報酬。大海只會將貝殼和泡沫打上岸,但是若深深潛入海中,就能得到珊瑚、珍珠為報酬。這應該是你的使命,錯過了,你就活得像隻動物,對自己內在喜悅之泉一無所知。若能發現這內在喜悅之泉,你就會是Atma Rama──快樂、滿足、平靜、有愛心。
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Only when man upholds morality, can there be equality, fraternity and freedom in the society. - Baba
God created this Universe on His own initiative and ordained various codes for its upkeep and smooth running. There were rules of correct conduct for every individual and groups of people. These form the tenets of Dharma (Righteous Conduct). The word Dharma is derived from the root, Dhr, meaning 'wear'. Dharma means that which is worn or practiced. It is the holy apparel (Pithambara) of the Lord. Dharma guards both honour and dignity; protects and gives beauty and joy, lending charm to life. As clothes maintain the dignity of the person who wears them, Dharma protects the dignity of every country and its people. Every single country in the world, has its own special Dharma or unique duty. Every country (desha) is a part of the body (deha) of the Lord, and is protected by th e Dharma that is practised.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 7.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Wear the garland of Devotion around your neck and saturate your thought, word and deed with Divine Love. - Baba
All the fear, anxiety, cruelty and injustice that is injuring the world today is caused by the wrong type of material education which lays emphasis more on the many than on the One. Even those who promise to cure the disease of the body, treat it as if its different parts are fit subjects for a separate study and treatment. All nature is the body of God and must be looked upon as One. Spiritual education draws attention to the unity behind all the apparent multiplicity.
To celebrate an occasion or a festival, you may have dusted and cleaned your houses and their surroundings, painted and whitewashed the walls, drawn auspicious designs on the floor or put floral wreaths over your doors - all this is simply outer decoration. To be truly happy, you must decide to remove the evils of egoism, greed, hatred and jealousy within you. Then you will truly become aware of the light within you, and the Atma (Su preme Soul) will dawn on you in all its glory.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 15, 1979.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Without developing devotion to God no human quality can grow. - Baba
Take the five elements, the components of this Prapancha (Universe). Of these, water has movement and coldness as its Dharma; combustion and light are the Dharma of fire. Each of the five elements have their unique Dharma. Humanity for man and animality for animals - these guard them from decline. How can fire be fire, if it has no power of combustion and light? It must manifest the Dharma to be itself. When it loses that, it becomes as lifeless as a piece of charcoal. Similarly man too has some natural characteristics that are his very life-breath;
They are also called Shakthis or abilities. One can be identified as 'human' only when these abilities are present. If they are lost, they are no longer ‘men.’ To preserve and foster such qualities and abilities, certain modes of behaviour and lines of thought are laid down. Dharma will not decline if these Aacharas (discipline) and Vicharas (discrimination) are kept up. Dharma is not imported from somewhere outside, nor can it be removed. It is your own genuine nature, your uniqueness.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 7.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Wear the garland of Devotion around your neck and saturate your thought,word and deed with Divine Love. - Baba
You should cultivate an attitude of inseparable attachment to the Lord, Who is your very Self. If He be a flower, consider yourself a bee that savours its honey; if He is a tree, be a creeper that clings to it; if a cliff, then feel that you are a cascade running over it; if He is the sky, be a tiny star that twinkles in it. Above all, be conscious of the truth that you and He are bound by Supreme Love. If you feel this acutely, with subtle intelligence, then the journey will be quick and the goal can be achieved. There is a difference between subtle and gross intelligence. Sthula buddhi (external knowledge or gross intelligence) keeps you walking, but the subtle intelligence will make you fly to your destination. The gross is too much tied to body consciousness where as the subtle transcends the body and will lighten your burden.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 30, 1965.
你要建立那種與上帝無法分離的執著,上帝是你的真我,若祂是花,你就當自己是品嚐花蜜的蜜蜂,若祂是一棵樹,你就當一隻依附在上面的昆蟲,若祂是懸崖,就去感覺你是那流下來的瀑布,若祂是天空,就當一顆閃爍的小星星。最重要的是,要知道這個真理︰你和祂被至上的愛綁在一起。若你能以細心的智慧(subtle intelligence),很敏銳的感覺到這一點,那麼這趟旅程就會很短,目標可期。細心的智慧與粗鈍的智慧(sthula buddhi)有別,粗鈍的智慧讓你繼續走路,而細心的智慧載你直飛目的地。粗鈍的智慧牽扯上過多身體意識,而細心的智慧則超越身體層次,會減輕你的負擔。
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴