每日靈糧--賽的福音 (2011/11/11-11/20)

轉載自Edward Chao「每日靈糧--賽的福音」信件,英文原稿出處請見http://media.radiosai.org/www/



Even a mountain of danger will melt away like ice if one’s thoughts are always centred on God. - Baba

The power of the divine name is unparalleled. People often take it lightly; that is a mistake. God's name is the real diamond - 'Die mind'. Keep it safe and secure. Whoever does namasmarana, (Repetition of God’s Name) whatever be the name they take and wherever they are, their life will be sanctified and they will be free from sin. Do not be too concerned about the tune and rhythm (raga and thala). Chant the divine name wholeheartedly and with complete faith. Faith develops love for God. Namasankirtan (singing of God's name) when done with absolute concentration and steady faith like a yogi, will help achieve great transformation.  Fix your mind steadily on the divine name and attain bliss.

-Divine Discourse, Nov 13, 2007.




God is all mercy; sing, love and adore Him as long as you have breath, so long as you are conscious. - Baba

This day you have resolved to imbibe Divine Bliss by reciting the glory of God in chorus and with music, continuously for twenty-four hours (Akhanda Bhajan). This programme will yield good results. For in this busy age of fear and anxiety, the remembrance of God and the repetition of His name is the single means of liberation that is accessible to all.  Bhajan (devotional singing in a group) is more important than even bhojan (food). Bhajan is a good disciplinary process by which desire and anger can be kept away. This daylong bhajan will generate divine vibrations and purify. I bless those who breathe this vibration to be healthier and more upright in their behaviour. Be united in remembering God and encourage one another as you proceed along the path; then success is assured.

- Divine Discourse, Apr 12, 1976.



這一天,你們發願要伴隨音樂,齊聲唱誦神的榮耀和殊勝,連續24小時不停(Akand Bhajan),這個活動會得到良好效果,因為在這個充滿恐懼和焦慮的忙碌年代,心中憶念著神,口中唸誦祂的聖號,是唯一人人可行的解脫方法。Bhajan(聖歌梵唱)比bhajon(吃飯)還重要,Bhajan是一種很好的鍛鍊,能讓欲、嗔遠離你。這個一整天的bhajan會產生神聖的頻率,淨化環境和人心。我降福給呼吸這個頻率的人,讓他們更加健康,行為更正直。大家齊心協力,心中有神,一路上彼此互相勉勵,那麼成功是注定的。

~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Have constructive thoughts, consoling words and compassionate acts. - Baba

When one has attained the state of realising Divinity in every being, when every instrument of knowledge brings the experience of that Divinity and when It alone is seen, heard, tasted, smelt and touched, man undoubtedly becomes a part of the Body of God and lives in Him and with Him. This path is not laid down or recommended for the extraordinary among men alone. It is within the reach of all, for all have the hunger for God. When this duty to your own progress is taken up, you will get a new strength at the very first step; you will experience a new and purer joy; you will be refreshed by a new holiness. Therefore each person should pursue one's own dharma (individual duty). You should plan your life according to the spiritual foundations of your culture and listen to the voice of God.

- Geetha Vahini, Ch 1.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Do not fritter away the time allotted to you for sojourning on earth, in foolish foppery and fanciful foibles which always keep you outdoors. - Baba

Many in this world, even among the learned, do not spend their allotted span of life in the pursuit of the chosen ideals. Hence their earthly lives are like the voyage of a storm-tossed ship that has lost both its anchor and its compass, and is caught in mid-ocean. They are torn between opposing ideals and goals; in their ignorance and fear they say one thing and do another. Meditation will give such people fixity of purpose, courage, and also wisdom. It stills the agitated mind, makes it clear and fills it with joy. The path of meditation will destroy ignorance and grant the individual union with God.

- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 14: “Remove Defects in Character”.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Be humble, be calm, be tolerant. Co-operate with all and treat everyone with courtesy and kindness. - Baba

For whom was the Geetha delivered? Just think of this for a moment. Milk is not drawn from the cow’s udder for its own sake, for cows do not drink their own milk; Arjuna, the calf, has had his fill and Krishna needs nothing! The Lord Himself clarifies: He milked the Upanishads and brought out the Geetha for the "Sudhee-jana", those who possess intelligence (Su-dhee) that is moderated by goodness and controlled by virtue. But when does one become worthy of receiving the lessons of the Geetha? Rather than exult over your excellence, search for your own faults with the desire of removing them. You will then progress fast without being dragged behind by fear or anxiety. When you move on thus, placing all your burdens on the Lord and with faith in him, you will reach a state of mental calm, which is the sign o f a true aspirant. Arjuna arrived at this stage and then Krishna gave him the teaching that confers immortality.

- Geetha Vahini, Ch 3.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴               




Cultivate your heart to raise a harvest of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love. - Baba

Consider the place and situation in which the Geetha was delivered; therein lies the significance of this discourse. On one side were the forces of good (Dharma) and on the other, that of evil (adharma); caught between these two, and unable to decide which course to adopt, Arjuna weeps in despair. This was not just his dilemma; it is a universal human problem. Arjuna did not seek from Krishna the pleasing, worldly glory of power, status and wealth (Preyas) – he sought the lasting glory of full joy (Sreyas). Arjuna said to Krishna, "Preyas can be won by human activity or Karma. Why should I crave from You what I can win by my own endeavour? Grant me Sreyas, for it is not the fruit of action (Karma), but the fruit of grace!" Thus the lord gave the Geetha for all those who li ke Arjuna rise to the height of absolute self-surrender (Prapaththi or Saranagathi).

- Geetha Vahini, Ch 3.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Virtue is the sign of an educated person. - Baba

Riches and wealth are short-lived; office and authority are temporary; life-breath is a flickering flame in the wind. Youth is a three-day fair and pleasures and fortunes are bundles of sorrow. Knowing this, if you devote this limited term of life to the service of the Lord, then you are indeed blessed. Seek refuge at the Lord’s feet early on. Everything is untrue, impermanent and akin to castles in the air. Contemplate on this truth, approach God and glorify Him; that alone confers permanent joy. Inside the room called body, in the safe called the heart, the precious gem of wisdom (jnaana) exists. Four wily thieves - lust, anger, greed and envy (kaama, krodha, lobha and asuuya) are lying in wait to rob it. Awaken to this danger before it is too late. Reinforce yourself with the support of the Universal Guardian, the Lord, and keep the gem intact. That will make you rich in love (prema), and peace (shanthi).

- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 6, Ch: 38




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




God showers His grace on those who make their parents happy. - Baba

The mother's lap is the school for all; it is your first temple. There is no God higher than the mother. To recognise this truth about one's mother is the duty of every person. Your father is your treasure and mother, your god. Instead of valuing such precious wealth, people engage in all kinds of activities to acquire riches and positions. Father and mother are inseparable like the word and its meaning. The distinction between man and woman relate only to the physical body. The Indwelling Spirit in both of them is the same divine. Everyone should cherish one's parents as embodiments of the Divine.

- Divine Discourse, September, 1983




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




The welfare of women is an index of the welfare of the nation. - Baba

We see in the world today disorder, violence and conflict. To cure these ills, one must shed selfishness, greed and other bad qualities, and rise above the animal nature. It is through charity (unselfishness), that you achieve purity. With purity of the heart you can attain Unity, which will then lead to Divinity. The mansion of human life should be built on charity, purity, unity and Divinity. Women play a crucial role in cultivating these four pillars. Truth, sacrifice and peace are predominant qualities in women. A good wife is of value only to her husband whereas a good mother is a national asset. Only dedicated mothers can offer to the nation children who will strive for the country’s great future. Broad-minded good mothers, who care for the purity and spiritual growth of their children and the well-being of the community, are the need of the d ay.

- Divine Discourse, September, 1983




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




By surrendering to the Divine and developing a heart filled with devotion and love,one can face all the challenges of life. - Baba

People surrender their dignity and status to other men and women for wealth, fame, possessions, pomp, power, etc. But rarely does one get the chance to surrender to the Lord for the sake of the Lord! How can one feel the urge to do so, so long as one craves for the materialistic objects (aadheya) and not the Source of the objects (Aadhaara)? How long can the baseless satisfy? People want the created not the creator; things from the hand, but not the Hand! Can there be an object without the cause? No. God alone is the ‘Uncaused’. It is sheer ignorance to surrender individuality for the sake of the caused. Surrender rather to the Cause, the Source, the Origin of all - Sarveswara. This is genuine surrender or Saranagathi.

- Geetha Vahini, Ch 3.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴



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