每日靈糧--賽的福音 (2011/11/01-11/10)

轉載自Edward Chao「每日靈糧--賽的福音」信件,英文原稿出處請見http://media.radiosai.org/www/



Love is the fruit that grows on the tree of divine name. - Baba

Today the country is facing a lot of problems because people are not doing enough Namasmarana (repetition of the Lord’s name). Let each and every street reverberate with the singing of the Divine's glory; let each and every cell of the body be filled with the divine name. Nothing else can give you the bliss, courage and strength that Namasmarana can. People may say, “He is a big officer. How is it that he is also doing Namasmarana?” Some people may even make fun of you, but do not bother. No matter whoever it is, young or old, rich or poor, everybody has to do Namasmarana. You may not have any musical instruments for this; it does not matter. From the depth of your heart and with total dedication, sing the glory of God wherever you are. Only then can you lead the life of a true human being.

- Divine Discourse, Apr 14, 2002.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Realise that true happiness consists in union with God. - Baba

Give up Para chintana (thinking about others) and cultivate Paramatma chintana (thinking about God). This is the true spiritual practice (Sadhana). Do not be carried away by worldly pleasures. Take to the sacred path and sanctify your time by chanting the Divine Name. There is no need to allocate a specific time or place for Namasmarana (repetition of the Lord’s name). You can do it wherever you are and whatever you are doing. One needs to pay tax for water, electricity, etc., but there is no tax for Namasmarana. Nobody can stop you from doing it. It is very simple, yet most effective. But people do not realise the value of Namasmarana as it is so easy to practise. We think that God can be attained only through severe austerities. This is a misconception. Without troubling yourself or causing trouble to others, you can chant the divine name. Follow this simple path, experience bliss and sanctify your life.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 24, 2002.



要放棄 Para chintana,培養Paramatma chintana──要放下其他事情,專心想著上帝,這才是真正的修行。不要迷失在世間享樂中,要耽於神聖之道,唱誦神的聖號,讓你寶貴的光陰變得聖潔。Namasmarana(唸誦神的名號)不需要專門的時間或地點,不管在什麼場所,在做何事,都可隨時隨地進行。使用水電,要繳稅,但是Namasmarana不用繳稅,沒有人能阻止你去做,它簡單易行,又最具效果。人們卻因它練習起來太容易,反而小看了它,以為要到達上帝,非靠嚴苛的苦行不可,這是錯誤觀念。你可以唱誦神的名號,而不會給自己或他人帶來麻煩。走這條簡單的路子,去體驗極樂,神聖化你的生命。

~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Whenever and wherever you put yourself in touch with God,it is the state of meditation. - Baba

Meditation must be followed rigorously. In fact Dhyana (Meditation) also means discipline and, regularity and steadiness are the essential tools for it. Lord Krishna assured, “When you start fixing your thoughts on Me, all thoughts that agitate you will be stilled through My grace.” Meditation is a first class cure for the illness of worldly existence (bhava-roga). But along with it, also take the medicine of contentment. Just as a traveller who has trudged along for miles in the scorching sun feels refreshed when taking bath in the waters of a cool and shady lake, so too the unfortunate individual struggling in the scorching heat of desires, feels happy and relieved when bathing in the lake of contentment.  Meditate regularly and practice contentment in your mind; anyone who follows this rigorously will achieve quick results.

-Dhyana Vahini, Ch 14:  “Remove defects in character”.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Doing one’s duty as worship is the highest spiritual endeavour. - Baba

No one can escape delusion; no matter how scholarly one may be. As a result of this delusion man is subjected to grief, and this grief acts as a brake upon activity. Arjuna the great hero, capable of immense renunciation and wisdom, was deluded by the awful needs of war. The grief therefrom handicapped his activity. He confused the body and the self; he imposed on the Atma, (ever untouched by the characteristics of the moving and changing world) the unreal and ephemeral nature of the world and believed this delusion to be true. This is the tragedy not of Arjuna alone, but of all humanity! That is why the Bhagavad Geetha is of universal and eternal value. To study it, is to learn the art of swimming across the sea of delusion. The fact that Geetha has provided consolation and liberation to millions is itself evidence of its Divine origin.

-Geetha Vahini, Ch 1.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Meditation on the name and form is real peace (santhi) and genuine contentment (santhosha). - Baba

At the gates of liberation (moksha) and self-realisation (sakshathkara), three guards are posted to ask you for your credentials. They are: peace or mental equilibrium, Joy or contentment, and enquiry or discrimination (santhi, santhosha, and vichara). Even if one of the guards is made friends with, the others too will facilitate your entry. First in the series is peace. If you make peace yours, contentment (thrupthi) will automatically become yours! Contentment is the true source of joy and the most valuable of all possessions, in the absence of which desire and greed attain dangerous proportions, overwhelming the power of discrimination itself. Desire easily becomes greed which then degenerates into miserliness and lust. These will makes you flit from object to object in mad pursuit of the evanescent sensual joy. Hence advise your min d to flow in the direction of the Lord, instead of dragging you along the floods of objects and sensual desires. Giving up all other desires and being ever content, dwell on the Lord’s name and form alone.

-Dhyana Vahini, Ch 14: “Remove Defects in Character”.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Joys and sorrows are the results of the mind’s involvement in the transient and the trivial. - Baba

Joy and grief are as day and night; they have to be put up with and gone through. They will neither appear nor disappear at your will! Both are related to the physical or the material - the body, and they do not affect the soul. You are liberated the moment you transcend joy and grief. What is there to grieve in life? Did you grieve when your body underwent changes? The child disappears in the boy, the boy in the youth, the youth is lost in the middle-aged man who in turn is lost in the old man. You never weep over these changes that affect the body, why then, when the body is lost in death. Whatever changes your body may suffer, the Atma remains immortal. Being established unshakably in this knowledge is the sign of the wise, the Jnani.

-Geetha Vahini, Ch 1




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Do not fritter the days in attaining affluence in material possessions, which are often impediments in the journey of life - Baba

Remember that contentment will not make one an idler. It is an attribute of true pure (sathwic) character. It will make the mind turn always towards the Lord. It will save you from the tribulations that one goes through to satisfy unimportant wants and to cater to selfish needs. It will direct human talents towards efforts that elevate. The contented person will also be truthful and will therefore be in constant communion with the Atma. That is to say, such a person can be immersed in meditation for long periods without needing rest or feeling fatigued. Contentment is the royal road to meditation.

-Geetha Vahini, Ch 1




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




When you surrender to the Lord, He will guide you and guard you like the eyelids guard the eye. - Baba

See the Lord in every being; be aware of Him every moment of existence and be immersed in the Ananda (bliss) of this awareness. Merged in the relationship born out of profound devotion to Him, surrender your wish and will to act; the attitude, the activity and the fruit of the action as well - offer to the Lord everything from beginning to the end.  That is, perform all actions in a spirit of worshipful non-attachment. This is what the Lord seeks from each and every devotee. Of course, such complete surrender is not easy. But if you make the slightest effort towards it, the Lord Himself will confer the courage to pursue it to the end. He will walk with and help you as a friend and guide; He will guard you from evil and temptations; He will be your staff and support.

-Geetha Vahini, Ch 1




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




To evoke the Divine in you, there is no better method than Namasmarana. - Baba

Just as fish can live only when it is immersed in water, so too man is an animal that can live well only when immersed in bliss (ananda). One must have ananda not only at home and society but more importantly, in the heart as well. In fact the ananda in the heart spreads joy all around. The heart is the spring of bliss which has to be charged by constant meditation, recitation and the intermittent dwelling on the glory, the grace and the manifestations of the Lord (smarana, chethana and manana). Without giving way to doubt or despair, hold fast to the goal and never turn back. The one devoted to God knows no failure. The name of the Lord, if taken sincerely will help you overcome all obstacles. When the Saviour is by your side, why doubt whether you will be saved?

-Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1961.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Learn to adapt, adjust and accommodate. - Baba

Do not worry about the unsatisfactory environment you may be in. Of course, sometimes the place you are in may have drawbacks and may not be ideal. But it is of no use trying to run away from it. You can overcome any obstacle by training your own mind. Stay in your environment and pray to the Lord that He may fill you with His thoughts and vision, enabling you to ignore the defects of your surroundings. Do not seek comfort, for it might not be conducive to meditation. Learn to be comfortable in any place; that is better. Live in joy wherever you are for that is the way. Revel in the realm of your mind, worship there the Lord you have chosen as your goal and be free of all the defects of your natural or human environment! Then no spot will be irksome to you, nor will any place seem disgusting.

- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 14: “Remove Defects in Character”.



~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴 




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