

 賽巴巴說故事︰《羅摩演義》 (2013/06/01-2013/06/30)

轉載自Edward Chao「賽巴巴說故事︰《羅摩演義》」信件,英文原稿出處請見http://media.radiosai.org/www

Love All, Serve All. Help Ever, Hurt Never. - Baba


This day, you may feel you have no need of the Lord, but remember, when the pangs of hunger gnaw, you start pining for food. Therefore, wash your hearts with tears of joy so that the Lord might install Himself therein. A zamindar may own all of the fields up to the very horizon on all sides, but he will choose to sit only on a patch that is clean! In the same way, when the Lord chooses the heart of a devotee, it does not mean that all other hearts are not His. They are only not clean enough. He is everywhere, everything is His, His gaze is on all. If God was not all this, how could they shine, or exist even as much as they do now? Therefore, have full faith in God and in yourselves, engage always in good deeds and beneficial activities; speak the truth, do not inflict pain by word or deed or even thought. That is the way to gain peace; that is the highest merit which you can earn in this life.


- Divine Discourse, Sep 1, 1958.











~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴


Constant reflection on the glory of God helps you to go beyond the body and mind. - Baba




It is only through action that devotion can be deepened. Action cleanses the mind and makes it fit for spiritual knowledge. Merely listening to noble thoughts (sravanam) is a thaamasik act. Recapitulation (manana) is Rajasik and complete assimilation (nidhidhyasana) is Saathwik. When you are simply listening, quietly receiving without reflecting or responding, you are dull (thaamasik). When you turn the thought over in your mind, attempting to assimilate it, then you are active (rajasik), and when you are sunk in the sweetness of experience, you enjoy pure exultation (sathwik). That Nidhidhyasana is the fruit of devotion. To overcome obstacles in the spiritual path, you must have both, Sadhana and Sankalpa – Self-effort and Divine Grace.


- Divine Discourse, Aug 18, 1964.











~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴



The disease of attachment to worldly objects can be cured only by the drug of attachment to God, cultivated through Japa and Dhyana. - Baba


The doctor is found where patients gather. So too, the Lord is always with the suffering and struggling. The patient who desires to improve must have faith in the doctor and carry out the instructions. Unless you have obeyed the orders of the doctor strictly and to the very letter, you have no authority to pronounce judgement on the doctor. Also remember that the doctor’s treatment will vary with each patient – it will depend upon the ailment, the age, the virulence of the disease and the treatment already undertaken. Apart from the prescription, one has to also adhere to the dietary and other regulations that the doctor recommends. That is to say, it is not merely practices like japamand dhyanam (Remembering God’s name and meditation) that will have to be done, but in order to supplement the effect of these, you have to lead a regulated life, a life conducive to good thoughts, with Sathwik (virtuous) food and pursuits.


- Divine Discourse, Sep 1, 1958.












~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




When the heart is filled with good thoughts and feelings, all that comes out of the senses - your speech, your vision, your action - will all be pure. - Baba



God does not want the flower or fruit that you can buy in the street. Instead, bring to Him the fragrant flower of a pure heart and the fruit of your mind, mellowed from spiritual practices (Sadhana). That pleases Him the most, not the items that are readily available in the market for purchase. Those items that you buy do not elevate your mind – however, your spiritual practices will do it for you! To get a taste for that kind of effort, you must keep the company of the good and great, and take delight in noble thoughts. By whatever means that is available to you, increase your stock of bliss and improve your discrimination. Try to store as many of these as possible, so that you draw up from the reservoir of your storage, whenever the need arises.


- Divine Discourse, Sep 1, 1958.


渾身散發靈性光輝的巴基拉塔發願一定要完成父親交代的任務。雖然他將國家治理得非常滿意,但卻為了沒有孩子來繼承王位而憂愁,這件事,再加上將恆河帶下來人間的至高任務,迫使他將國事交給大臣們,自己退隱到著名的歌卡那之地(Gokarna Kshetra)的僻靜處。他站在那裡,從事嚴苛的苦修,像是忍受大太陽曬、一個月只吃一頓飯、等等!最後,神對他的苦修甚為賞識,遂在他面前顯靈,說道:『孩子!巴基拉塔!你想求什麼儘管說吧,我會賜予。』




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴


True happiness consists in union with God. - Baba


The chief source of bliss is dedication to God. Nothing else can give that genuine and everlasting joy. Become conscious of your kinship with the Lord - it is not mere folklore or a fairy tale or a faked theory. This kinship has existed from the beginning of Time and will persist till the very end of Time. Every individual is born in the path of righteousness (Dharma Marga), journeys through the path of action (Karma Marga), rushes through the path of sages (Sadhu Marga) to reach the Supreme Reality (Brahma Marga). The path of action and the path of the Sages are illumined by the Jnanendriyas (organs of perception). Keep the Jnanendriyas and the Karmendriyas(sense organs) uncontaminated and pure. The cow eats grass and drinks gruel and gives sweet, sustaining milk. So too, let the experiences you gather through the organs, help in the production of sweetness and kindness. With pure devotion, lead your lives in peace and bliss.


- Divine Discourse, Sep 1, 1958.












~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴


When you are cutting some vegetables for cooking, consider that you are cutting away your desires and ego with the knife of wisdom. - Baba


Arjuna’s dejection was a case of finely disguised egoism. He was a hero until he came to the battlefield and became a coward. It was all about ‘I and Mine’; “I will go to hell, I would rather beg, I will not fight my uncle, my Guru, my cousin, etc.” ‘I and mine’ are two poison fangs; they have to be removed to make you harmless. Krishna counselled Arjuna: “You are not killing, so don’t be conceited, they are deathless; the death sentence on their bodies has already been pronounced and you are merely executing God’s will!” Krishna made Arjuna aware of himself and removed his delusions. Arjuna realized that he was but an instrument in the hands of the Lord. You too must learn from that lesson, for otherwise, there will be no end to your misery. Always pray Thamaso maa jyothirgamaya - Lead me from darkness to light. Egoism is darkness (thamas); Surrender (Sharanagathi) is light.


- Divine Discourse, Aug 17, 1964.











~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴





Desire destroys devotion, anger destroys wisdom, greed destroys work – hence these bad qualities must be sacrificed. - Baba

The gods once imagined that they were able to get victory over the demons because of their own prowess. When they were celebrating the victory, a deity appeared before them and cast a blade of grass on the ground. It asked Agni (God of fire) to burn it; but he could not. It challenged Vayu (God of Air) to lift it, but he could not. It provokedVaruna (God of Water) to wet it, but, in spite of his best efforts, he could not. Then when their pride had been pricked, the deity taught them the Brahma Vidya (science of Brahman), which reveals the inner source of all strength. This is no ordinary story; Agni is the presiding deity of vaak (speech) and so it tells us that speech has to be humble, that it derives its power only from the basic Universal Principle. Vaayu is prana (the vital air). Humility in behaviour and practice are all that count, especially in Sadhana.


- Divine Discourse, Aug 17, 1964.







~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴



Winning love through love is the vital aspect of devotion. - Baba


Cutivate Love (Prema) towards all, it will destroy envy, anger and hatred. God and Desire (Rama & Kama) cannot co-exist in the same heart. Trust begets trust, love begets love. If you talk to another with much love, they cannot develop any hatred towards you. Love makes the whole world kin. It is the greatest instrument of concord. The farmer plants the seedling and watches over it with great care. He removes the weeds, he destroys the pests, waters it as and when necessary and spreads manure and awaits the day when he can reap the harvest and fill his granary. So too, you must carefully nourish love and pluck out the weeds of hatred and envy within you. Wear the glasses of love and everyone will appear loveable and good. You will get what you search for, you will see what your eyes crave for. Develop a holy vision, you will then see holiness everywhere.


- Divine Discourse, Sep 1, 1958.


 要培養對眾生的愛,那會摧毀嫉妒、瞋、恨,Rama(神)和 kama(欲望)兩者無法在心中共存。信任引起信任,愛引起愛,如果妳深富愛心的和別人說話,他們就無法對你生出恨意。愛讓整個世界變成一個大家庭,愛是製造和諧的最偉大的工具。農夫種下種子,小心照顧它,並除草、殺蟲、灌溉、施肥,等待收成、填滿穀倉的那一天。同樣的,你也要細心地滋養愛心,拔掉憎恨和嫉妒的野草。戴上愛的眼鏡,那麼每個人都會顯得可愛良善。你會得到你尋找的東西,你會看到你的眼睛渴望看見的事物,培養神聖的視野,那你就會到處都看到神聖性。









~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴



 Keep the name of the Lord always radiant on your tongue and mind; it will keep the antics of the mind under control. - Baba



All the five senses subserve the same Purusha. It is one family, under one Master. The senses need not necessarily be inimical; they can be trained to cooperate in the sadhana. Why? Even intellect can become an enemy, if it promotes conceit and competitive exhibitionism. The easiest way to illumine your inner consciousness and your behaviour, is to light the lamp of the Name of the Lord on your tongue. Take the Lord’s Name; His light will drive out darkness from both inside and outside. Keep the lamp shining, bright and clear, for ever. You will soon reach remarkable heights and enjoy happiness, the like of which you cannot get by sticking to the senses.


- Divine Discourse, Aug 17, 1964.















~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴



Those who pursue the spiritual path not only benefit themselves, but promote the wellbeing of others too. - Baba




Medicine is useless for the dead as well as the sturdy. Those endowed with devotion are already marching on their path. There is no use in speaking to those who have no devotion in them; it is a sheer waste of time. There are many, who are conscious of the Higher Power and are feebly desirous of contacting it, but are wavering and unsteady. They are either ignorant of the path and its benefits or are afraid of the consequences – my message is for such half-apathetic devotees. First learn the art of living in the midst of all kinds of people, so you neither grieve nor make others grieve. Make the best use of the opportunities you are gifted with to acquire wisdom, and derive and spread joy. Learn from the saints, the eternal wisdom and profit from it. Then, spread noble thoughts and good impulses and grow spiritually.


- Divine Discourse, Sep 1, 1958.






許多年過去了,阿希瓦曼加的兒子阿姆蘇曼達(Amsumanta)長大成人,以可愛、有德、勇敢著稱於世。有一回,薩格拉決定做一次盛大的吠陀馬祭,並挑了一個吉祥的時辰來開始。」眾友真人講到一半,羅摩打岔問道:「上師,這馬祭是在阿幽德亞城舉行,還是他找了一處神聖的河畔來舉行?」眾友真人聞言笑道:「羅摩,我現在明白你對祭祀有多熱心,以及對聖者有多尊敬,我要照你所願,詳細描述。且聽吾說。有一個神聖的山脈,與喜瑪拉雅山遙遙相對,叫作溫迪亞嶺(Vindhya range見書末註),介於兩山脈之間的地區,是祭祀的聖地,這個馬祭就是在那個區域舉行的,吠陀唱頌專家聚集在那裡,以嘹亮而正確的發音唸誦經文,回音在山間迴盪、再迴盪,數以千計的人快樂地觀賞這個獨特的儀式。就在那時,披著美麗馬衣的馬被牽進場,並受到膜拜,隨後牠被釋放開來,任其無拘無束地到處走動。為了克服並擊敗任何阻撓馬兒自由自在行動的抵抗勢力(顯示當地統治者有異志和野心,不願屈服於宗主國國王薩格拉的統治之下。),阿姆蘇曼達跟隨馬的腳步,率領全副武裝的軍隊,準備面對任何可能發生的事。馬兒在全國走了一圈,沒有遇到任何阻力,就被帶了回來。犧牲是以正統吠陀儀式舉行,那一刻就要到了,於是派人把馬牽來。


Vindhya range︰溫迪亞山脈或溫迪亞嶺。橫亙於印度中西部,海拔450~1,100公尺,西起古吉拉特(Gujarat)邦,向東延伸約1,086公里(675哩),經過中央邦,在瓦拉納西(Varanasi)附近抵達恆河谷地。為北印度與南印度的分界嶺。



~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




The destiny of a nation or community is dependent on the moral fiber of its people. - Baba




The purusha (man) is ‘he who lives in the pura,’ that is the physical body. He who lives in the Universe, which is His body isPurushotthama, the Supreme. A tiny ant creeping over the foot is cognised by your consciousness; that is because, a purushahas consciousness filling the entire body. The Purushotthamatoo has consciousness filling and activating His entire body, which is the Universe; and hence He is omniscient. The soul is the vyasthi (individual), the samashti (all of Creation) is God. The best reward for the individual (Purusha) is to merge in the Divine (Purushotthama). And the path is through the Knowledge begotten by action and love for God.


- Divine Discourse, Aug 17, 1964.






~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴



When the heart is filled with good thoughts and feelings, all that comes out of the senses
- your speech, your vision, your action - will all be pure. - Baba



All knowledge and experiences are associated with the mind externally. They do not go beyond the mind. The aspirant who seeks to experience the Atma will not be able to have it by performing worldly actions. The Atma is all-pervading. The Cosmos is permeated by the Chaitanya (AtmicConsciousness). When there is a pot with water, we can directly see the sun's reflection. Absence of a pot does not mean that there is no sun or reflection of the sun. Irrespective of whether there is a body or not, whether there is a mind or not, the Atma is present. There is no need for a body or mind to experience the Divine. Until this is properly understood, good care has to be taken of the body, the senses, the mind and the intellect. They have to be set on the right course and not allowed to go astray. All troubles arise because the senses take to wrong paths.


- Divine Discourse, May 30, 1990.


















~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴


Be silent yourself, that will induce silence in others. - Baba 

The mood and behaviour of people in cinema halls, marriage halls, exhibitions or while watching a game is very different from that of a spiritual gathering! The mood during entertainment is very different as the crowd there are moved by totally different impulses. However, in a gathering devoted to the needs of the spirit, what is expected is calm, reverential and eager attention, prayerful silence. Silence is most needed in all spiritual gatherings where deeper spiritual disciplines are discussed. Only the eye and the ear need function, the tongue has no business to wag. Everyone then will be able to receive completely, the gift of love and grace. Learn to make the best of life, this chance offered to you to sublimate your instincts, impulses and impressions on the mind from past deeds (Vasanas) and rise higher and higher in the moral and spiritual plane.


- Divine Discourse, Sep 1, 1958.














~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴















~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴


Just as underground water is the sustenance of all trees, the Atma is the underlying source of all bliss for all beings. - Baba



You may wonder, ‘How is it that the Atma is present in all?’ When you meditate in solitude on this question, a permanent, unchanging sound arises from the mind. All objects manifest the power of the atom. Every object is composed of atoms. It is the nature of atoms to combine and to separate. But in all human beings there is one unchanging and indivisible divine entity, the Inner Voice. The body undergoes change from infancy to old age, but the Inner Voice remains unchanged. People experience three different states of consciousness in the waking, dreaming and deep sleep states. But the Inner Voice has no change in the gross or subtle states of the body. What is that Voice? It is the divine Inner Voice issuing from the Atma-thathwa (Atma Principle). It is continually declaring: ‘I, I, I..’ - ‘Aham, Aham, Aham’. This is the Truth that is subtler and more fundamental than the atom.

- Divine Discourse, May 30, 1990.


















 ~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴


The Lord loves those whose hearts are filled with purest Divine love. - Baba


The holy culture of this ancient land has been spoilt by just one impurity; intolerance of another's success, prosperity or progress. If you cannot help another, at least avoid doing harm or causing pain. That itself is a great service. What right have you to find fault with or to talk evil of another? When you say that nothing can ever happen on earth without His Will, why get annoyed or angry? Your duty is to cleanse yourself and engage in your own inner purification. That endeavor will bring you the cooperation of all good men and you will find strength and joy welling up within you.


- Divine Discourse, Aug 2, 1958.















~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴


When the mind and the intellect unite, humanness reaches a state of freedom, which is referred to as liberation (moksha). - Baba


When the senses are brought under control by the mind, the mind itself ceases to function; it disappears as it were. Then man experiences a profound silence. That stillness resulting from the absence of the mind is true Knowledge (Jnana). This knowledge cannot be acquired by intellectual ability or mental agility, nor by following an example. It is sui generis. Consider the ashes which cover a burning charcoal or the moss which covers a sheet of water. The ashes have come from the charcoal. The moss has originated from the water. The cataract that dims the vision of the eye, wherefrom has it come? From the eye itself! When the screen that blinds the vision is removed, the true Self will be seen in its real form. Atma Jnana is not obtainable through books, preceptors or even Paramatma (the Supreme Self). You are yourself theParamatma, the Jnana, the Atma.

- Divine Discourse, May 30, 1990.
















~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Every action that is done should be preceded by an enquiry as to whether it will
lead to good or bad results. - Baba


When you go to a doctor, you must take the medicine that he prescribes and follow his advice and instructions. There is no use blaming him if you default. How can the doctor cure you if you do not take medicines or follow the diet restrictions and regulate your intake according to his advice? Similarly, follow My advice and then watch the result. Also remember, it is a sign of foolishness to brood over mishaps and mistakes once committed, and punish oneself by refusing to take food and so on. What good is it to ill-treat the body to correct the mind? Even as you deal with your own faults strictly, you should pardon that of others. Do not misunderstand their motives and scandalise them; perhaps their motives might be as noble as yours or their action might be due to ignorance, rather than wickedness or mischief.


- Divine Discourse, Aug 2, 1958.















 ~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴


Bend the body, mend the senses and end the mind - this should be your endeavour. - Baba

All investigations associated with the mind are delusions of various sorts. They are subjective. All that people do - seeing, hearing, experiencing and doing, are all mental delusions caused by association with the body. The mind cannot keep still even for a moment, without thinking about something or the other. Hence the mind is dependent on the body. All that the mind experiences, relates to the world that is made of the five elements. The mind sees the world through the eyes, hears through the ears. The mind has no form of its own; it is Maya (delusion). It is desire. It is Nature. It is ignorance (Avidya). Delusion is its very nature. It is extremely difficult to understand the pure and immutable Divine Soul (Atma) through an instrument subject to delusions.


- Divine Discourse, May 30, 1990.











 ~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Never feel depressed when you are weighed down by difficulties. God will never impose on you the ordeals which you cannot bear. - Baba


Even in selecting a Guru, use your discrimination. Not all clouds are rain bearing. A true Guru will be able to attract His seekers from afar, merely by His personality. He need not be talked about in glowing terms. His presence will be felt and aspirants will rush towards Him like bees towards a lotus in full bloom. Take up the path of spiritual practice, very enthusiastically. Half-hearted halting steps will not yield fruit. It is like cleaning a slushy area by slowly moving a stream of water. If the currents in the stream flow slowly, the slush cannot be cleared. The stream of water must flow full and fast, driving everything before it, so that the slush is cleared completely.


- Divine Discourse, Aug 2, 1958.














~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴








The Lord loves those whose hearts are filled with purest Divine love. - Baba


This microphone before Me, must have been made by someone, is it not? The creator is not visible or known to you presently, but you have no doubts of this person’s existence. Besides, you are confident that this person understands and knows fully well all the components, characteristics, features and effective functioning of this microphone. So too, there must be a Creator for this Universe and He must be know all about it. This Universe is composed of the five elements, and He is their Manipulator, fully aware of their subtle characteristics and properties. That Creator is your Indweller (Kshetrajna), who knows His Field (Kshethra). Hold on to Him and live your lives; you will not slip. Build your activities on that basis, your career will not cave in. You will develop courage and faith in yourself and in your destiny.


- Divine Discourse, Aug 16, 1964.







 ~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴


When the mind and the intellect unite, humanness reaches a state of freedom, which is referred to as liberation (Moksha). - Baba


The life principle (Jeevathathwa) is like the grain covered in the husk of delusion (Maya), as that rice is enveloped in the paddy. The husk (Maya) has to be removed. The grain (Jeevathathwa) has to be boiled and made soft and assimilated so that it might add to health and strength. The softened rice can be compared to the Supreme Soul (Paramathma). The mind should be employed in this process. It has to be fixed in the Truth (Sathya) and the Ever-lasting (Nithya). To remove the husk, Discrimination (Viveka) is an effective instrument. Develop the power of discrimination and find out, which is beneficial, and which is not. Seek the light always – be full of confidence and zest. Never yield to despair, for it has never produced any results!


- Divine Discourse, Aug 2, 1958.



 ~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴

Every action that is done should be preceded by an enquiry as to whether it will lead to good or bad results. - Baba

Every being is a pilgrim towards Dharmakshetra (Righteous land), which is also the abode of peace. But, on the way, he or she is led into the by-lanes and alleys of objective pleasure by the senses, to which the person becomes a slave. People are eager to know about all kinds of trivialities like the details of others’ lives, other places, etc., but they have no keenness to know their own origin. People are deeply sunk in ignorance about their source and substance, their goals and destiny. You are the inheritor of unlimited wealth and fortune, yet you feel like a poor man (pauper). Remove this boundary of ego within your mind – you will then recognize the vastness of yourself.


- Divine Discourse, Aug 16, 1964.









 ~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Body is a house given to you on rent. Live there so long as He wills, thanking Him and paying Him the rent of faith and devotion. - Baba



You are all the indestructible Divine Self, Believe Me! Nothing need discourage you. In dreams you suffer so much - loss of money, fire, food, insult, etc., but you are not affected at all. When these things happen during the waking stage, you feel afflicted. It is not the real you that suffers all that. Give up the delusion that you are this physical entity and you become really free. Develop Truth and Love. Everything will be added to you, unasked. Man and God (Nara and Narayana) are the two wires - the positive and the negative, that combine to bring electricity through. Man (Nara) will become the instrument of God (Narayana), if you have acquired the two qualities, Divine Love and Truth.

- Divine Discourse, July 25, 1958.









 ~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Parents hParents have the primary responsibility to mould the character of children. Too much freedom should not be given out of excessive affection. - Baba 

Show deep gratitude to your parents. Tend to them with respect and adore them. On their anniversary of passing away, remember them and pay the tribute of at least a tear. Do it with faith (Shraddha), hence it is called Shraardha (religious ceremonial offering to the dead), note that they are not waiting for them in the other world! This tribute you offer should be in gratitude for the great chance they gave you for this sojourn in this world with all the wonderful opportunities it offers for self-realization. By the same token, parents must feel that they are servants appointed by the Lord to tend the little souls that are born in their households as the gardener tends the trees in the garden of the Master. Give children every opportunity and facility to develop their innate divine talents. Arouse the latent goodness in their tiny hearts through stories of saints and sages. Without fear, make them brave to practice righteousness.


- Divine Discourse, Jul 25, 1958.





 ~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴

Education should promote discrimination and humility. - Baba

Education must result in the development of wisdom (Viveka) and humility (Vinaya). The educated person must be able to distinguish between the momentary and the momentous, the lasting and the effervescent. As an educated person, you must not run after glitter and glamour but must seek the good and golden. Keep the body in good trim, the senses under strict control, the mind well within check, the intellect sharp and clear, unhampered by prejudices and hatreds, and the feelings untouched by egoism. You must know the Divine Self,Atma too, for that is the very core. That is the effulgence which illumines your inner and outer selves. You must also cultivate Vinaya(humility). As an educated person, you must be grateful to your parents, who with great sacrifice have given you all the facilities that you now enjoy.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 25, 1958.








 ~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴



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