轉載自Edward Chao「每日靈糧--賽的福音」信件,英文原稿出處請見http://media.radiosai.org/www/。更多文章請參見http://sarani.pixnet.net/blog/category/list/832296
引用一起一起合一感恩Joyce 整理
神的恩典,是你所能得到的最佳保險,它能在你有需要時,無限度的提供幫助。-- 賽巴巴
There are three types of Surrender (Saranagathi). The first one ïs Thavai-vaaham, where the devotee affirms “I am Yours” , the second is Mamai-vathwam, where one asserts “You are mine” and the last is, Thwame-vaaham which means “You and I are one.” Each is a step that leads to the other and the last is the ultimate state. In the first stage, Thav-eva-aham, the Lord is completely free and the devotee is fully bound. Just like the cat and the kitten - the cat shifts the new born kitten about, as it wills; the kitten just mews and accepts whatever happens. This attitude is very gentle and is within easy reach of everyone. In the second, Mama-eva-thwam, the devotee binds the Lord in his heart and the Lord willingly remains bound. A devotee can tie up the Lord with Prema (love) that overwhelms and overpowers one’s own egoism. When one has this type of devotion (Bhakthi), the grace of the Lord fulfills every single need of the devotee.
The grace of God is the best insurance you can get. It will help you in your
time of need without any limit. – Baba
Sath意為「神」,你應該以神為伴,亦即親近神(sathsang)。Chith是「覺知」,結合Sath和Chith,就得到Ananda(神性極樂)。據說,一切經典的精髓都在下面這句話︰”paropakaraya punyaya, papaya parapeedanam”。一般都認為,paropakara意指助人,但此處para意指神。upa意思是「近」,kara則意指「去做」或「下功夫」。所以整個字的涵義是︰要下功夫去親近神。papaya parapeedanam意指︰在「一」中見到「多」是罪過也,你要在「多」中見到「一」,亦即,在「異(萬象)」中見到「同(統一)」。
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
True love is pure, free from pride, and is full of bliss. - Baba
Sath means God. You should have the company of God or proximity to God (sathsang). Chith is awareness. The combination of Sath and Chith gives Ananda (divine bliss). It is said that the essence of all scriptures is paropakaraya punyaya, papaya parapeedanam. We generally think paropakara means helping others. But here Para means God, upa means near, and kara means do or make efforts. The import is that you should make efforts to be near God. papaya parapeedanam means to see the many in One is sin. Therefore you have to see the One in many, or unity in diversity.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
God judges the devotee's love by the intensity of the feeling and not by the number of ways in which worship is offered. - Baba
True devotion is not bound by rituals or set procedures. The Gita talks about various offerings like patram (leaf), pushpam (flower), phalam (fruit), and toyam (water). These words should not be taken literally. The human body is the leaf that must be offered to the Lord. Like the leaf of the tree, the body too would one day die and decay; no one can say when that will happen. Before such a fate befalls, the body in its fullness, freshness, and purity, ought to be offered to the Lord. The flower of your heart is what would please the Lord most and not the ones purchased from the market, which fade in a few hours. The flower of the heart, that is totally pure, soaked in love, and perfect does not wither easily. And which fruit would please God? He is not interested in fruits that grow on a tree; Mind is the fruit that must be offered to th e Lord. Lastly, the water the Lord wants from you is the tears of joy that flow when your heart is full of love for Him. These alone are the offerings that the Lord expects when you worship Him.