賽巴巴說故事︰《羅摩演義》 (2013/08/10-2013/08/31)
轉載自Edward Chao「賽巴巴說故事︰《羅摩演義》」信件,英文原稿出處請見http://media.radiosai.org/www
Realize that all sweetness lies within you. Direct your intelligence inwards and discover the sweetness within by filling your intellect with love. - Baba
Become like the flute, a hollow reed, straight, light, with no substance to hinder His breath. Then He will come and pick you up and breathe divine music through you, playing upon you with a delicate touch. In His hand the infinitesimal will be transmuted into the Infinite. Intensify the love that is present within you. It is a sacred gift. Expand your love so that all beings can share in it. Your love must be such that if someone around you is sad, you feel sad and if they are happy, you feel that happiness. Have your love fixed and devoted on the Lord, whether your petty wishes get fulfilled or not. Never let go, under any circumstances, this precious treasure - your Love for God.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 9, 1964.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
The spiritual path is the path of detachment, of sense control, of rigorous mind training. - Baba
When you go to a temple, some of you break a coconut before the altar. If you try to break the coconut, just as it is when it falls from the tree, will it break? No! The fibre protects the shell and prevents any damage to the fruit. Hence, you must first remove the fibrous cover with a lot of effort. Moksha (liberation) results from the breaking of the mind with all its vagaries and wishes. You have to break your mind but, how can you do it, when the fibrous armour of sensual desires encompasses it? The toughest fibre is anger, it is the stickiest dirt. When you get angry, you forget mother, father, and teacher and descend to the lowest depths. You lose all discrimination in the excitement. So remove them and dedicate the mind to God and smash it in His presence. That moment, you are free.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 10, 1964.
他們在祭祀火壇四周擺了金盤子,上面裝飾了花和檀香膏,並裝滿了九種穀類的幼苗,另外還有燃香的香座、火供用的神聖湯匙、金質水壺、杯子、和其他祭祀需要用的東西。他們在地上舖上厚厚一層神聖的庫沙草(Kusa grass),按照經典的規定,讓整片草平滑而沒有高低不平。接著,他們開始將供品澆入火中,一面唱著經文,讓新郎和新娘保證快樂興旺。每一道儀式都精準地進行。王子和公主們的手腕上分別繫上了婚線(initiatory thread)。
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴
If you want to experience the Divine, you must give up pomp and pride. - Baba
Conceit or egoism is a fatal weakness. It is the desire to be praised, to be talked about. People take delight in tom-tomming their achievements and capabilities. This actually makes them ludicrous and pitiable. They want their names and deeds to appear in the daily newspapers in big bold letters. Please understand, it is not in the newspapers that you should get attention. Earn your status in the realm of God. Earn fame in the company of the good and godly. If you are forever in the primary class working on A, B, C and other alphabets, how can you understand what the scholars say? Make progress in being humble and in showing reverence towards elders and parents.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 10, 1964.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Minimize your tendency to discover or discuss the evil in others, for the attempt will tarnish your own minds. - Baba
Intellect loves to revel in discussions and disputations. Once you yield to this temptation, it takes a long while for you to escape from its shackles and move on to enjoy the bliss, which you can attain only from its nullification. Your feelings and emotions warp your thought process, and convert reason into an untamed bull. Always be aware of the limitations of reason and logic. They must give way and yield to devotion. After a point in time, your spiritual path must be illumined by devotion and intuition. Hence, be aware – your intellect can help you only for some distance along the Godward path. Very often, egoism tends to encourage and justify one’s actions, for a person is led along the wrong path by one’s own reason, if that is the path the person likes! You often come to the conclusion you want to reach! So make a careful choice on the path you tread!
- Divine Discourse, Apr 12, 1959.
此際,鮮花如雨般掉落在他們身上,一列星星般燦麗奪目的樂器奏起了快樂的音樂,眾貴賓們齊聲喝采,並撒米粒在新人頭上,願他們有最美好的人生。「Subham Subham」的悅耳歡呼聲響徹雲霄。仙人們在天上奏著仙樂,天堂的鼓狂喜地敲著,天上的吟遊詩人在唱讚美主的歌。
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Reputation occurs in a moment; character is built over a lifetime. - Baba
You are happiest when you are immersed in yourself! The child in the womb is in the state Soham (‘I am He’ - union with God) but when it is born in the world, it starts the question Koham (‘Who am I’). For it forgot its truth and identifies itself with the body and the senses. Until it becomes a realized person (Jnani), it will never regain the knowledge of Soham. Madhava-tatvam (Divine state) when it assumes a form, is Manava (Man). Manava can become Madhava (Divine) by engaging in actions dedicated to God. You can then discover your Divine State. What is the use of doing only human action (Manava Karma) or even demoniac action and claiming that human being is Divine? Virtue must be your life-breath. Character must be your backbone. Without these no meritorious act will fructify. Retain your evil qualities and win troubles; Renounce them and win peace!
- Divine Discourse, Oct 10, 1964.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Love will not submit to the forces of envy or hatred, however powerful they may be. - Baba
Practice renunciation from now on, so that you may set out on the journey when the call comes! No one knows when the call will come and there is no point in being in tears at that moment remembering the property you accumulated, the fame you amassed or the titles you won! The eagle is pestered by the crows, so long as it has a fish in its beak. The crows swish past the eagle to steal the fish from its mouth. They pursue the bird wherever it sits for a little rest. At last, the eagle gives up the attachment to the fish and drops it from its beak; the crows fly after the fish and leave the eagle free. So too, when you give up sense pleasures, the crows of pride, envy, malice and hatred will fly away and leave you in peace.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 10, 1964.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Purify the mind by starving it of the bad food it runs after, namely objective pleasures, and feeding it on the wholesome food, namely, thought of God. - Baba
The demon Bhasmasura, through God’s Grace earned the power to turn into ash anyone by placing his hand on their head. However his instincts were not tamed, his reasoning was not purified. Blinded by greed and egoism, he tried to reduce the very Giver of the gift. Hence, unless you are extra careful to examine the very process of reasoning, even while the process is on, there is a big danger that you may be following only the trail that you yourself have laid down. Reason can be tamed only by discipline; through compassion, calmness, forbearance and endurance (Daya, Shantham, Kshama, and Sahana). Train your mind to walk quietly along small stretches of road at first and then after you have become sure of its docility, you can take it along safely down the tortuous road of the sixfold temptations of lust, anger, greed, delusion, pride and jealousy.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 12, 1959.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Purity attracts Divinity. If the iron filings are rusted, even the most powerful magnet
will not attract them. - Baba
Thirst for Krishna, to see Him, to hear Him, to listen to His Flute, for installing Him in the heart and mind, and for grasping His reality through the intellect - this thirst is most conducive to peace and joy. Devotion to Krishna is the chain by which the monkey mind can be fastened and subdued. The word Krish means to attract (as in aakarshana). Lord Krishna attracts your mind towards Him and turns them away from sensory desires that torment you. He satisfies the deepest thirst of all beings, for peace, joy and wisdom. Hence thirst for Krishna is a sign of health in the spiritual field. Repetition of the name Krishna is useless, unless the contemplation of the Glory of Krishna starts purifying your character. The Grace of the Lord is very powerful and is endowed on the deserving alone. Hence begin today to sublimate your character saturated with piety and devotion. Then you will secure the Grace of the Lord.
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 6, Ch 24.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Serve man until you see God in all men. - Baba
Scriptures are only road-maps; at best they are guide-books that give directions for the destination. It is the actual journey that will reveal the hardships, the delays, the land-slips, the potholes as well as the beauty of the scenic route on the way, and the magnificence of the destination. No secondhand account can equal the firsthand experience! The symbols on the map are interpreted differently by different scholars according to their preconceived notions, predilections and pet theories. If you acquire Love, then you can dispense with the Scriptures; for the purpose of all the Scriptures is just that: to create the feeling of Sarvajana samaana prema (equal love for all), and to negate egoism which stands in the way. Reason too, if it comes in the way of this love, is to be discarded as 'perverted'.
- Divine Discourse, April 12, 1959.
羅摩一點也不受持斧羅摩的怒氣影響,保持微笑,冷靜地問道:「巴格瓦羅摩(Bhargavarama[見書末註])呀!我以為你對武士種姓階級所懷的復仇之心早就結束了,怎麼又發作了?為什麼這樣墮落、這等荒唐?」這時十車王趕緊對持斧羅摩打躬哈腰,語氣憂愁地向他求情:「世尊!您是位婆羅門,聲望卓著。我的幾個兒子還是稚嫩少年,為何無緣無故對他們生起仇恨?這不應該成為您顯赫家世的象徵。您的祖先們無休無止地研讀吠陀經典,精心舉行各種儀式和典禮。而那天開始進行月道祭祀(Chandrayana Ritual)時,您當場宣佈,從此不再持任何武器,說自己的欲望已經達成,這您是在一位不亞於天帝的神面前說的。您將所有征服來的領土送給了卡斯亞帕(Kasyapa),自己則發願,要以餘生來行義,和修得淡定的平常心。
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Just as air or water assumes the form of the container in which it is kept, God acquires the form in which the devotee worships Him. All forms are His. - Baba
Engage yourself in spiritual discipline, spiritual thoughts, and spiritual company. Forget the past and let it go its way. At least from now on be determined to save yourself. Never yield to doubt or unsteadiness. Have faith in any one Name and Form that appeals to you. If you revere one form of God and hate another, the net result is zero. God will not tolerate the slightest hatred of any Name or Form. Avoid factions, quarrelling, scorning and fault-finding, as they reveal your ignorance and actually recoil on you. You find fault in others, because you have the same faults in you. If you throw contempt at the form of God that another reveres, the contempt falls on your own God. Remember, everyone is a pilgrim towards the same goal. Some take one route, others take another.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 10, 1964.
過去您一直獨自一個人在摩亨德拉峰(Mahendra Peak)苦修!如今又一反誓言,打算毀滅我的家和王朝。言行相抵觸,豈非嚴重罪過?如此悖約,苦修何益?還有比真理更高的神?您只向羅摩挑戰,說只和他對決。要是他有什麼三長兩短,我們全家都會陷入愁雲慘霧;一旦危險對他造成傷害,我們的生命就結束了。像您這樣的婆羅門,不該造成這麼多人失去生命吧!那不僅是褻瀆了婆羅門,那根本是罪大惡極」。
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴
Minimize your tendency to discover or discuss the evil in others, for the attempt will tarnish your own minds. - Baba
An old grandfather of seventy was asked by his seven-year old grandchild, "Grandpa! How old are you?" and the old man replied, "Two!" The child was struck with wonder and looked a picture of doubt. The old man replied, "I have spent only the last two years in the company of the Lord, until then I was plunged in the marshland of pleasure seeking." Only the years that you have lived with the Lord have to be counted as life, the rest are not worth counting. Know that all this wealth, property and fame are but for a fleeting moment. Develop attachment for the Lord, who will be with you wherever you go.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 10, 1964.
~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴