每日靈糧--賽的福音 (2012/02/21-02/29)

轉載自Edward Chao「每日靈糧--賽的福音」信件,英文原稿出處請見http://media.radiosai.org/www/



The best way to love God is to love all, serve all. – Baba

By the time it rains, if seeds have not been sown, will there be any crop in the field? If seeds are sown but there is no rain, will any cultivation happen? Both rain and seeds are needed for the harvest to be reaped. Likewise, Divine Grace will bear fruit only when there is human effort too. When there are good thoughts in the mind, they will be reflected as noble actions; on the other hand if the thoughts are ill-disposed, the fruits thereof will be equally bad. Different devotees are bound to differ in their ways of worshipping God. But whatever the method of worship, there must be one-pointed devotion. Love towards God is devotion. Love towards the world is attachment. Develop love for God.

- Divine Discourse, Mar 2, 1992.





~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




The wise use money, strength, intelligence, skills, aptitude and opportunities for helping others and making their lives happier. - Baba

The wise one (Jnani) is ever happy and this happiness does not depend on objects outside. You may wonder how; it is because such people are content with whatever happens to them, well or ill, as they are convinced that the Lord's will must prevail. Want of this contentment is a sign of a ajnani (unwise person). The ajnani piles one wish on another, builds one plan after another and pines perpetually; he or she worries and sets one’s own heart ablaze with greed. On the other hand, the Jnani is unshaken, steady and ever jubilant! The Jnanis may be engaged in karma (actions) but they are not affected in the least by it, as they have no eye on the fruit of their actions.

- Geetha Vahini, Ch 10.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Spiritual knowledge reveals the unity in multiplicity, the eternal in the perishable. - Baba

Though your parents have endowed you with this physical body (deha), it is the Guru who points out to you the Indweller of the body. To make the gold more amenable to ornament making, it is alloyed by the addition of a little silver or copper. So too in order to manifest the multiple variety of Nature, the Brahmathathwam (Divine essence) is converted into an alloy, with the addition of a little egoism or mamakaaram. The Guru teaches one to regain the pure unalloyed state through the process of Sravanam, Mananam and Nidhidhyaasam (Listening to, recapitulating and meditating on God’s glories). Through this process, one can understand that the individual Self is one and the same as the Divine Self and is infact, facet of the same entity.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 25, 1965.





~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Joy and grief are caused when objects and senses meet. - Baba

Both the Swaroopa (form, reality) and the Swabhava (essential quality) of the Atma guarantee that It is unaffected. It is Asanga (not of the world).  It is uninfluenced by anything that is not Atma. It has neither birth nor death, hunger nor thirst, grief nor delusion. Hunger and thirst are qualities of the Prana (vital essence, breath).  Birth and death are characteristics of the body. Grief and delusion are affections of the mind. So, Arjuna, do not assign any status for these. Know yourself as the Atma. Give up all delusion and become unattached. Be like the lotus leaf in the marshy lake of Samsara (change); do not get smeared with the mud around you. That is the sign of Asanga; in it but yet outside it. Be like the lotus leaf, not like the porous ‘blotting paper’ that gets tainted with whatever it comes in contact with.

- Geetha Vahini, Ch 10.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Fill every deed of yours with the vision of the Spirit, the outlook of the Super-self. - Baba

The aim of all human effort is to achieve the oneness that lies behind all the plurality. Without accomplishing this, one cannot be in peace. No amount of repetition of the shanthi manthra (hymn of peace) is capable of granting that. The same current activates the many seemingly distinct instruments like the bulb, the mike, the fan, the refrigerator, the tape recorder, the stove, etc. The Guru is the one who reveals to you that invisible current. The Guru is like the stranger who entered the cottage of a poor man and announced that underneath the floor in his home, lies hidden a precious treasure which he can own, by a few minutes of digging. And for this the Guru deserves your gratitude.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 25, 1965.



所有人類的努力,目標都是為了達到那個在萬象背後的太一,不完成這件事,內在、外在都不會有和平。再多的靜心真言(Shanti Mantra)也無法帶給你這個成就。同一股看不見的電流,驅動眾多的電器,如電燈、麥克風、電扇、電冰箱、錄音機、電烤爐等等,曉諭你這個道理的,是你的古魯(上師)。古魯就像一位陌生人,進入一位窮人的茅屋,告訴他他家地下藏有寶藏,只要挖個幾分鐘,就可得到並擁有,所以古魯值得你感恩。

~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




The day when you understand that everything belongs to God, will be the day when wisdom descends on you. - Baba

Perform abhisheka (ceremonial bath given to the Deity) to the Atma-linga (the Divine within), with the waters of your own pure mental impulses (Chittha-vritthi). What is true yajna (ceremonial sacrifice)? Giving in charity accumulated wealth is Dravya yajnam. When all physical and mental activities are utilised for sadhana (spiritual discipline) it is Thapo yajna. Doing karma (action) but yet remaining unbound by it, is Yoga Yajna. When the chittha (mind) moves in one direction and the indriyas (sense organs) move in another, the person is doubly confused. So keep attachment afar. When you accomplish this, your every act becomes a sacrifice (Yajna). Whatever you speak becomes a holy mantra; and the place where you plant your foot is rendered holy.

- Geetha Vahini, Ch 10.





~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




Prayer alone makes life happy, harmonious and worth living in this universe. - Baba

All beings are Divine, and the Lord dwells in their hearts. Yet they feel bound, miserable, limited, weak and agitated. Why? They imagine thus, and so they are shaped by the mind which is the source of that imagination. They are ignorant of their reality. How then can one be freed from this delusion? If you desire to overtake a train, you must speed in a car or board a plane. A vehicle slower than the train will not help. So too if you intend to overcome the delusion of your mind, you must establish yourself in God. The delusion of Maanavasakthi (human-power) arising out of the mind can be overcome only by the attainment of Divine Power (Daivasakthi). One prayer that promotes the acquisition of Divine Power is the repetition of the Gayathri Mantra.

- Divine Discourse Feb 25, 1965.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




I want each one of you to cultivate Purity, Love and Compassion. - Baba

The word Jnana also means, the eagerness to realise the Atma thathwa (the Principle of the Atma) through inquiry from those with spiritual experience. If you are anxious to get this wisdom or experience, go to realised souls and win their grace. Study well their moods and manners, and await the chance to ask them for the help. When doubts arise, approach them calmly and courageously. No amount of sea water can slake one’s thirst. Similarly any hours of study of the scriptures will not help in solving our doubts. Jnana or the ultimate wisdom, can be won only from and through elders who have experienced the absolute. Serve them and win their love. Only then can this precious Jnana be won.

- Geeta Vahini, Ch 10





~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴




A true human being is one who has the noble qualities of adherence to truth, duty, devotion and discipline. - Baba

Inner cleanliness should be your first aim. You may have fine vegetables, excellent spices, salt and the best of pulses; the cook may be a master of the art. The oven you use may be the best one can get. But if the copper vessel used for cooking is not tinned, the sambar (soup) will turn into something dangerous; that which cannot be consumed. The dish prepared becomes poisonous if the interior of the vessel is unfit for cooking. So too, you must cleanse your inner being. Sathkarma (virtuous deeds) and Sadachara (good habits) along with prayers act as lining for the vessel of your heart (hridaya pathra), where emotions, impulses and instincts are cooking. Prayer will tame all the instincts like a wild elephant is trained to perform tricks in a circus ring.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 25, 1965.




~~ 沙迪亞賽巴巴





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